Just Do The Thing

Discover the hidden traps that keep you busy but not productive, and learn how to break free by taking real action.

Aidan Brotherhood

In our journey toward achieving goals and making progress, it's all too easy to get caught up in activities that feel productive but don't actually move us closer to our objectives. 

These actions often create a false sense of accomplishment, keeping us busy without making real strides. 

Let’s delve into some common behaviors that masquerade as progress but, in reality, aren’t doing the thing.

1. Preparing to Do the Thing Isn’t Doing the Thing

Planning is essential, but over-preparing can become a form of procrastination. 

While laying the groundwork is important, it’s crucial to transition from preparation to action. 

Remember, no amount of preparation can replace the value of taking the first step.

2. Scheduling Time to Do the Thing Isn’t Doing the Thing

Setting aside specific times to tackle a task helps organize your workflow, but without actual effort during those times, the task remains incomplete. 

Scheduling is only effective when followed by action.

3. Making a To-Do List for the Thing Isn’t Doing the Thing

To-do lists are excellent for keeping track of tasks, but simply writing down what needs to be done without executing those tasks doesn’t lead to completion. 

Lists should serve as a roadmap to action, not just a record of intentions.

4. Telling People You're Going to Do the Thing Isn’t Doing the Thing

Sharing your goals with others can create a sense of accountability, but it doesn’t replace the need to take action. 

In truth, it’s best to tell no one of your plans.

That what you won’t give yourself a false sense of accomplishment.

5. Hating on Yourself or Others Isn’t Doing the Thing

Self-criticism and negativity towards others can drain your motivation and energy. 

Instead of fostering a productive mindset, it hinders your ability to take positive steps toward your goals.

6. Fantasizing About Adoration Isn’t Doing the Thing

Visualizing success is a powerful tool, but dwelling too much on the end results without taking actionable steps can keep you stuck in the realm of imagination rather than reality.

7. Reading About How to Do the Thing Isn’t Doing the Thing

Educating yourself is important, but consuming information without applying it can delay action. 

Knowledge is only valuable when it's put into practice.

8. Reading About How Others Did the Thing Isn’t Doing the Thing

Learning from others’ experiences can provide valuable insights, but it shouldn’t replace your own actions. 

Emulate what works, but focus on your own journey and efforts.

9. Reading This Essay Isn’t Doing the Thing

Even reading this very blog post, doesn’t equate to taking action. 

Inspiration needs to be followed by tangible steps.

The Only Thing That Is Doing the Thing Is Doing the Thing

Ultimately, the only way to make progress is to take action. 

Whether it’s starting a project, making a decision, or simply taking the first step, doing the thing is the only path to achieving your goals. 

Preparation, planning, and support are valuable, but they must culminate in actual action. 

Don’t procrastinate.

Start doing the thing today.

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